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    500 ml/7pzx30 ml
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Properties and usage

Dietary supplement. 

Desmodium (leaves) promotes liver function. Dandelion (root)
promotes the purifying functions of the body. 

Shake well before each use. Dilute 30 ml of Herbal Tea in a 1.5 litre bottle of water throughout the day. It is recommended to wash the measuring cup every time you use it.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The product should be used as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Not recommended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers. Keep out of reach of children under 12 years. Contains Liquorice: avoid excessive consumption in case of hypertension. Contains Frangula and Rhubarb: do not use for prolonged periods without hearing the advice of your doctor.

Store in a cool and dry place; once opened, consume within 30 days.

TENORE DEGLI INGREDIENTI CARATTERIZZANTI (Valori calcolati su un campione medio)

su 30 ml di prodotto (max dose giornaliera)
DESMODIUM in mg 2.500
BOLDO in mg 2.000
ARTICHOKE in mg 1.500
CARDO MARIANO in mg 1.500
ORTHOSIPHON in mg 1.000
DANDELION in mg 1.000
RHUBARB in mg 1.000
AGRIMONY in mg 1.000
SWEET ORANGE in mg 1.000
FRANGULA in mg 1.000
SAGE in mg 1.000
MELISSA in mg 1.000
MINT in mg 1.000
GENTIAN in mg 1.000
BLACK HORBERRY in mg 1.000
LICORICE in mg 1.000
STAR ANISE in mg 1.000


Active ingredients

  • Desmodium
  • Dandelion


Estratto acquoso di erbe amare 70%: Desmodium (Desmonium adscendens (S.W.) DC.) foglie, Boldo (Peumus boldus Molina) foglie, Carciofo (Cynara Scolymus L.) foglie, Cardo mariano (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) frutto, Orthosiphon (Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq.) foglie, Tarassaco (Taraxacum officinale Web.) radice, Rabarbaro (Rheum palmatum L.) rizoma, Agrimonia (Agrimonia eupatoria L.) sommità, Arancio dolce (Citrus aurantium L. var. dulcis) pericarpo, Frangula (Rhamnus Frangula L.) corteccia, Salvia (Salvia officinalis L.) foglia, Melissa (Melissa officinalis L.) erba e fiore, Menta (Mentha x piperita L.) sommità con fiori, Genziana (Gentiana lutea L.) radice, Rafano nero (Raphanus sativus L. var niger miller) radice, Liquirizia (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) radice, Anice stellato (Illicium verum Hook. f.) frutto. Acqua, Aromi, Colorante: Caramello semplice.

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